Alcohol Addiction Treatment in Udaipur

> Alcohol Addiction Treatment Center in Udaipur, Rajasthan

Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Aarogya Sewa Sansthan in Udaipur is elevated with a purpose to provide a class inpatient treatment center for alcohol addiction, with the help of highly qualified counselors and unique treatment programs. It offers the most effective and long term alcoholism recovery treatment to individuals struggling with alcohol use problems.

You can win this fight

If you or your loved one is considering rehab, Aarogya Sewa Sansthan can help you get started on your road to recovery from alcohol dependence. We can help create a unique alcohol abuse treatment program to address your distinctive needs. Don’t let alcohol continue to control your life; you can win this fight.

Why choose alcohol rehab?

There are crucial phases of Alcohol Addiction.

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    High Tolerance

    One of the first warning signs of addiction is the development of tolerance. It usually begins when you start consuming a drink or two routinely. Continued intake of the same amount pushes you to a point when you reach out for a third, and then for a fourth one. The effect that you desire comes only with an increase in the dosage.

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    A Habit

    As consumption of alcohol develops into a habit, it starts to dominate your thoughts. The preoccupation with alcohol becomes so strong that when you are not drinking, all you can think about are your plans for your next drinking session.

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    Losing Control

    You begin losing control over the amount of alcohol intake and place of consumption. Your craving surpasses the societal norms and forces you to start drinking at inappropriate places such as parties and weddings and at any time of the day or night.

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    Binge Drinking

    You begin drinking continuously for days without engaging in any other activity. After a binge episode, you experience feelings of guilt and often promise yourself or your family not to touch the bottle again. But you forget this promise as soon as you see any chance of drinking.

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    Paranoia & Hallucinations

    In the chronic stage, you may also start showing signs of paranoia. You begin to doubt the people around you continually. You develop deep distrust and might feel people are after your wealth or your life. You might even start to hear voices or see and feel things that do not exist.

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    Excessive drinking can cause total or partial blackouts. Blackout is a phase when you have no recollection of the events that occurred during a specific period due to over-drinking. The influence of alcohol is so strong that the brain is unable to form memories, making it a form of amnesia.

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    Avoid the talk

    You feel in total control and do not feel the urge to share or talk about your drink cravings. In this phase, you start to avoid talking about your capacity or how frequently you drink.

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    You begin justifying your drinking habits to others. Especially when your behaviour under the influence of alcohol causes embarrassment to your family, you cite various reasons such as stress and unhappiness for reaching for the bottle. You often feel guilty, but you still don’t stop.

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    Breakdown of Ethics

    You don’t care about the source of your drink. You might resort to unethical and often criminal behaviour like begging, borrowing, or stealing; to keep the supply of alcohol flowing. Your ethical lines are blurred, and your only mission is to drink.

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    Loss of Motor Skills

    Your hangovers are getting worse. Your body shakes and your hands tremble when you’re not drinking, and the only way to stabilise yourself is to reach out to another drink. Drinking is not a choice anymore; it becomes a need to avoid pain and maintain stability.

Find Alcohol Treatment today!

Your alcohol addiction, even if small at this point, has the potential to damage your body and your life in due time. Alcohol addiction not only affects you physically and mentally but also has a detrimental impact on your relationships and your performance at work. Most importantly, it often leads to the gateway of other drug and substance abuses. So, seeking alcohol withdrawal treatment from professionals is imperative to live a healthy and fulfilling life. Reach out to Aarogya Sewa Sansthan today, and let us help you overcome your addiction with maximum ease.

“If you or your loved one is showing any such signs recurringly, it is time to look for treatment at the earliest. Although Alcohol abuse treatment centres are suitably equipped to help you get rid of your addiction, it is best to seek help before it is too late.”